viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

My autobiography

Hi everyone!

My name is Javiera Victoria, but i prefer only Victoria, like popular victory.
Im potterhead, my house is Ravenclaw.
Im a  lover of body modification and makeup drag art.
I was born in 1995, in Santiago, the same day that the aniversary of football club Colo-colo and socialist party, april's 19.
I have a little ginger  baby brother, his name is Emiliano and he  only have 2 years old. We are mother brothers because my dad died wen i'm 12 years old, He's the light of my days.
We live in Santa Lucía metro station with my mom and our puppy Lilo.
Actually i'm study Theater design in the University of Chili. Is my third year but i have to doing 3 years more :(
I like to knit, almost in winter because is cold (really hate summer!!) Also love´s Liniers, art and literature :P
My family sells books and comics and a really love that, think is so cool.
Also i have a big family, but i usually see only my granny, my mommy. my little ginger and my boyfriend, Rogelio. he is ginger too!

Finally im a Brony, wich means im a fan of my little pony and every merchandising of ponys, specially  specially frosting ponys.

see you! ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ 

1 comentario:

  1. I loves Harry Potter too!!! I don't know if i'm a potterhead but i can't stop reading all books
